Program Schedule
26 August (Tue)
Time |
Program |
08:30-09:20 |
Registration |
09:20-09:50 |
Welcome and Opening Session
(Chair: Guang-Hao Chen, HKUST) |
09:20-09:30 |
Welcome Remarks by Joseph Lee, Vice-President for Research & Graduate Studies, HKUST
09:30-09:40 |
Opening Remarks by Glen T. Daigger
(International Water Association and
09:40-09:50 |
Opening Remarks by Kum-Wah Chung, Daniel, JP, Director
of Drainage Services Department
09:50-10:20 |
Tea Refreshments and Photo-taking (Download Group Photo
here) |
10:20-12:20 |
Global Experience-I
(Chair: Chung-Leung Li, Ricky, Drainage Services Department) |
10:20-11:00 |
“From Ardern and Lockett to Today and Beyond”,
Glen T. Daigger (International Water Association and CH2M HILL)
11:00-11:40 |
“Biological Nutrient Removal: Past, Present and Future”,
James L. Barnard (Black & Veatch)
11:40-12:20 |
“A Century of Activated Sludge - Advances in Modeling”,
George A. Ekama (University of Cape Town)
12:20-14:00 |
Lunch (5/F Lounge, Lo Ka Chung Building) |
14:00-15:20 |
Global Experience-II
(Chair: Norman Cheng, The Chartered Institution of Water and
Environmental Management Hong Kong Branch) |
14:00-14:40 |
“Strategies for Further Development of MBR Technology”,
Yoshimasa Watanabe (Chuo University)
14:40-15:20 |
“Integrated Fixed-film Activated Sludge System (IFAS)”,
Hallvard Ødegaard (Norwegian University of Science
and Technology)
15:20-15:40 |
Tea Refreshments |
15:40-17:40 |
Regional Experience-I
(Chair: Irene Man-Chi Lo, HKIE Environmental Division) |
15:40-16:20 |
“Maximizing the Benefits of Water Reclamation”,
Qu (The Chinese Academy of Sciences)
16:20-17:00 |
“Activated Sludge Process in Japan - the Past and the Future”,
Takao Murakami (Nihon Suido Consultants Co. Ltd.)
17:00-17:40 |
“Perspectives of Wastewater Treatment Processes in Korea”,
Hang-Sik Shin (Korea Advanced Institute of Science and
18:30-20:30 |
Welcome Dinner (China Garden Restaurant, HKUST) |
27 August (Wed)
08:30-09:50 |
Regional Experience-II
(Chair: I-Man Leong, Echo, AECOM) |
08:30-09:10 |
“Overview of Wastewater Treatment-Energy-Greenhouse Gas Nexus:
Challenges and Solutions Forward”
Wun-Jern Ng and Yu Liu (Nangyang Technological University)
09:10-09:50 |
“Sea-water Flushing and Wastewater Treatment in Hong Kong”,
Chung-Leung Li, Ricky (Drainage
Services Department)
09:50-10:20 |
Tea Refreshments |
10:20-12:20 |
Future Development
(Chair: Ho-Kwong Chui, Samuel, Environmental Protection Department) |
10:20-11:00 |
“Granular Sludge – the Next Stage in Wastewater Treatment”,
Mark C. M. van Loosdrecht (Delft University of
11:00-11:40 |
“Moving from Treatment to Resource”,
Bruce E. Rittmann (Arizona State University)
11:40-12:20 |
“New Challenges, New Answers - A System Approach”,
Peter Cornel (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
12:20-14:30 |
Lunch (5/F Lounge, Lo Ka Chung Building) |
14:30-17:30 |
Regional Future Development
(Chair: Xiao-Yan Li, the University of Hong Kong) |
14:30-15:10 |
“Critical Thinking about Water Pollution Control Strategy in China”,
Yi Qian (Tsinghua University)
15:10-15:50 |
“Towards Energy Efficient Water Reclamation Process”,
Wah Yuen Long & Chee-Loong Lay, Winson (Singapore’s
National Water Agency)
15:50-16:20 |
Tea Refreshments |
16:20-17:00 |
“Future Technologies for Sewage Management in Coastal Areas”,
Guang-Hao Chen (HKUST)
17:00-17:30 |
Concluding Session
(Chair: Guang-Hao Chen, HKUST)
19:00-21:30 |
Gala Dinner (Chou Wan Hin Seafood Restaurant, Tseung Kwan O) |
28 August (Thu)
09:00-12:20 |
IAS Workshop: Future of Wastewater Treatment in China
Mandarin) |
09:00-09:10 |
Welcome Remarks
by Guang-Hao Chen, Conference Chair and Professor of
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, HKUST
09:10-09:50 |
Keynote Speeches
(Chair: Zhiguo Yuan, the University of Queensland) |
09:10-09:30 |
廢水(污水)資源化面臨的挑戰和應對措施 “New Challenges in Recovery of Resource and Energy from Sewage”,
Yi Qian (Tsinghua University)
09:30-09:50 |
Jiuhui Qu (The Chinese Academy of Sciences)
09:50-10:10 |
Tea Refreshments |
10:30-12:30 |
Presentations by Invited Mainland Guests
(Chair: Hanqing Yu, the University of Science and Technology of China)
10:30-10:40 |
中國污水處理廠污泥厭氧消化現狀與未來 “Current Status and Future Direction of Anaerobic Sludge Digestion in China”,
Xiaohu Dai (Tongji University) |
10:40-10:50 |
聚焦鳥糞石:難以回收的磷產物 “Struvite: The Phosphate Product that is Difficult to Recover”,
Xiaodi Hao (Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture) |
10:50-11:00 |
膜技術在污水回用與資源能源回收中的應用 “Membrane Technologies in Wastewater Reuse and Resources Recovery”,
Xia Huang (Tsinghua University) |
11:00-11:10 |
污水處理多目標管理模式 “Multi-objectives Management of Wastewater Treatment”,
Junxin Liu (The Chinese Academy of Sciences) |
11:10-11:20 |
“Excess Sludge: The Challenges and Opportunities in Urban Wastewater Treatment”,
Yu Liu (Nangyang Technological University) |
11:20-11:30 |
美好未來始於足下 “Future Journey is Started by Taking the Present Step”,
Hanchang Shi (Tsinghua University) |
11:30-11:40 |
“Occurrence of Sludge Bulking in Full-scale Plants in North China”,
Min Yang (The Chinese Academy of Sciences) |
11:40-11:50 |
活性污泥中以溶解性微生物產物為底物的異養菌生長 “Growth of Heterotrophic Bacteria in Active Sludge by Utilizing Dissolved
Products from Other Microbes”,
Hanqing Yu (The University of Science and Technology of China) |
12:00-12:10 |
“Treatment of Secondary Sludge using Free Nitrous Acid to Enhance Performance and Economics of a Wastewater Treatment Plant”,
Zhiguo Yuan (The University of Queensland) |
12:10-12:30 |
12:30-14:30 |
Lunch (self-arranged) |
14:30-17:45 |
Technical visit to Sha Tin Sewage Treatment Works
visit to the first SANI full-scale demo plant) |
Venue: IAS Lecture Theater, Lo Ka Chung Building, Lee Shau Kee Campus, HKUST