Conference Schedule
Dates: 19-22 January 2015
19 Jan | 20 Jan | 21 Jan | 22 Jan
19 Jan 2015 (Mon)
Time |
Event |
Venue |
08:00-08:40 |
Registration |
Lobby, G/F |
08:40-09:00 |
Welcome Joint Consortium of Fundamental Physics, Hong Kong |
IAS Lecture Theater, G/F |
Chair: Michelangelo Mangano, CERN |
09:00-10:20 |
Accelerator (Click
here for presentation file)

Vladimir Shiltsev (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
IAS Lecture Theater, G/F |
10:20-10:40 |
Coffee break
Lobby, G/F |
10:40-12:00 |
here for presentation file)

Ashutosh Kotwal
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory & Duke University) |
IAS Lecture Theater, G/F |
12:00-14:00 |
Reception |
Lobby, G/F |
Chair: Henry
Tye, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology |
14:00-15:20 |
Perspectives on the Energy Frontier
here for presentation file)
Chris Quigg
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) |
IAS Lecture Theater, G/F |
15:20-16:00 |
Break |
G/F |
16:00-17:30 |
IAS Distinguished Lecture
here for presentation file)
Yifang Wang (Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), CAS) |
IAS Lecture Theater, G/F |
20 Jan 2015 (Tue)
Time |
Event |
Venue |
Chair: Steve Gourlay, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
09:00-09:40 |
Overview of the Future CEPC-SppC Project in China
here for presentation file)
Qing Qin
(Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), CAS)
IAS Lecture Theater, G/F |
09:40-10:20 |
How to Determine the Tunnel Circumference
here for presentation file)
Richard M. Talman
(Cornell University)
10:20-10:40 |
Coffee break
Lobby, G/F |
Chair: Ian
Hinchliffe, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
10:40-11:20 |
Physics Motivation for
Future Machines
here for presentation file)
Serguei Ganjour
(CEA-Saclay) |
IAS Lecture Theater, G/F |
11:20-12:00 |
Physics at Linear Colliders
here for presentation file)
Frank Simon
(Max-Planck-Institute for Physics) |
12:00-12:40 |
Higgs Prospects at HL-LHC
here for presentation file)
Aleandro Nisati
(INFN (Roma)) |
12:40-14:00 |
Lunch (Self-arranged) |
Ashutosh Kotwal, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
& Duke University |
14:00-14:40 |
Perspectives on Future Supersymmetry at Colliders
here for presentation file)
Sunghoon Jung (Korea Institute for Advanced Study (KIAS)) |
IAS Lecture Theater, G/F |
14:40-15:20 |
Electroweak Baryogenesis Sketch: Present & Future & Future Colliders
here for presentation file)
Jing Shu
(Institute of Theoretical Physics, CAS) |
15:20-15:40 |
Break |
G/F |
Chris Quigg, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
15:40-16:20 |
Electroweak Precision Measurements at HL-LHC and FCCee
here for presentation file)
Roberto Tenchini
(University of Pisa) |
IAS Lecture Theater, G/F |
16:20-17:00 |
Higgs Physics at Higgs Factory
here for presentation file)
Jianming Qian (University of Michigan) |
17:00-17:40 |
Probing New Physics at Future Lepton Colliders
here for presentation file)
Liantao Wang
(University of Chicago) |
18:30 |
Conference Banquet (By invitation) |
Sai Kung |
21 Jan 2015 (Wed)
Time |
Event |
Venue |
Chair: Yunhai Cai, SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
09:00-09:40 |
Preliminary Conceptual Design of CEPC-SPPC
here for presentation file)
Weiren Chou
(Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
IAS Lecture Theater, G/F |
09:40-10:20 |
CEPC Detector Design and Physics Simulation
here for presentation file)
Haijun Yang
(Shanghai Jiaotong University) |
10:20-10:40 |
Coffee break
Lobby, G/F |
Chair: Ian
Hinchliffe, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
10:40-11:20 |
Report on Chinese Plan of Future Colliders
here for presentation file)
Yifang Wang
((Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), CAS) |
IAS Lecture Theater, G/F |
11:20-12:00 |
Couplings Measurements at the LHC and Beyond
(Abstract) (Click
here for presentation file)
Aurelio Juste (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona (UAB)) |
12:00-12:40 |
Prospects for Measuring Higgs Self-Coupling at FCC 100 TeV Hadron Collider
here for presentation file)
Weiming Yao
(Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) |
12:40-14:00 |
Lunch (Self-arranged) |
Chris Quigg, Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory
14:00-14:40 |
Flavor Probes of New Physics during LHC Run 2
here for presentation file)
George W. S. Hou
(National Taiwan University) |
IAS Lecture Theater, G/F |
14:40-15:20 |
Heavy Flavor Physics at Future Colliders
here for presentation file)
Caidian Lv
(Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), CAS) |
15:20-15:40 |
Break |
G/F |
15:40-17:40 |
Parallel Talks 1
Yanjun Tu, The University of Hong Kong
Machine-Detector Interface for the CEPC
here for presentation file)
Hongbo Zhu
(Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), CAS) |
IAS Lecture Theater, G/F |
Status and Challenges of CEPC Time Projection Chamber Detector
here for presentation file)
Huirong Qi
(Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), CAS) |
Pre-CDR of the Calorimeter and Muon System of CEPC
here for presentation file)
Tao Hu (Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), CAS) |
Vertex and Silicon Tracking System of CEPC Detector (Abstract)
here for presentation file)
Qun Ouyang (Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), CAS) |
15:40-17:40 |
Parallel Talks 2
Tao Liu, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
CP Violation Tests in Higgs Measurements at Future Colliders
here for presentation file)
Felix Yu
(Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz) |
IAS 1038, 1/F |
Studies of Higgs Boson Properties and Monte Carlo Generators
(Abstract)  (Click
here for presentation file)
Rostislav Konoplich
(New York University and Manhattan College) |
Preliminary Study on the Measurement of Higgs with CEPC
here for presentation file)
Yaquan Fang (Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), CAS) |
Electroweak Corrections to tt ̅H Production at the Hadron Collider
(Abstract)  (Click
here for presentation file)
Yu Zhang (University of Science and Technology of China) |
15:40-18:10 |
Parallel Talks 3 Chair:
Kirill Prokofiev, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
SLAC Paper
Charged Particle Optics in Circular Higgs Factory
(Abstract)  (Click
here for presentation file)
Yunhai Cai
(SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) |
IAS 2042, 2/F |
SUSY Third Generation Squarks Searches
(Abstract)  (Click
here for presentation file)
Arely Cortes Gonzalez
(Institut de Fisica d'Altes Energies (IFAE)) |
Top Seesaw, Custodial Symmetry and the 126 GeV (Composite) Higgs
(Abstract)  (Click
here for presentation file)
Jiayin Gu
(Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), CAS) |
Three-Body Decays of Bs Meson
(Abstract)  (Click
here for presentation file)
Ying Li (Yantai University) |
Searching for SUSY Particles at the LHC Using VBF Topology (Abstract)

here for presentation file)
Kechen Wang
(Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), CAS) |
22 Jan 2015 (Thu))
Time |
Event |
Venue |
Chair: Michelangelo Mangano, CERN |
09:00-09:40 |
Detectors for 100 Km Machines
here for presentation file)
Ludovico Pontecorvo
(INFN (Roma)
IAS Lecture Theater, G/F |
09:40-10:20 |
Thoughts on Detector Optimization for ee Physics

here for presentation file)
Bill Murray
(Warwick University & STFC Rutherford Lab)
10:20-10:40 |
Coffee break
Lobby, G/F |
Chair: Ian
Hinchliffe, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory |
10:40-11:10 |
Neutrino Physics with a Hadronic Connection (Abstract)
here for presentation file)
Ernest Ma
(University of California, Riverside; Visiting Fellow of
HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study) |
IAS Lecture Theater, G/F |
11:10-11:40 |
Sterile Neutrinos at Future Lepton Colliders
here for presentation file)
Oliver Fischer
(University of Basel) |
11:40-12:20 |
Report on Status and Prospect of the FCC
here for presentation file)
Michelangelo Mangano
(CERN) |
12:20-14:00 |
Lunch (Self-arranged) |
Roberto Tenchini, University of Pisa |
14:00-14:40 |
Higgs Physics at Hadron Colliders - from LHC to a Next-generation Machine
here for presentation file)
Tao Liu
(The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology) |
IAS Lecture Theater, G/F |
14:40-14:50 |
Break |
14:50-16:00 |
Discussion Panel (Accelerators)

Yunhai Cai (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Steve Gourlay (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Qing Qin (Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), CAS) Richard Talman (Cornell University)
for CEPC counts per day) |
IAS Lecture Theater, G/F |
16:00-16:20 |
Break |
G/F |
Zhengguo Zhao, University of Science and Technology of China |
16:20-17:30 |
Discussion Panel (Physics)

Ian Hinchliffe (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
Ashutosh Kotwal (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory; Duke University) Chris Quigg (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) Michelangelo Mangano (CERN) |
IAS Lecture Theater, G/F |
17:30-17:40 |
Short Break |
17:40-18:40 |
Summary Talk
here for presentation file)
Nima Arkani-Hamed (Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton and
Center for Future High Energy Physics, Institute of High Energy
Physics (IHEP), CAS) |
IAS Lecture Theater, G/F |
18:40-18:45 |
Closing Address
Henry Tye, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
(Director of HKUST Jockey Club Institute for Advanced Study) |
Venue: Lo Ka Chung Building, Lee Shau Kee Campus, HKUST