
主要作品有長篇小說《遺棄》(2012年深圳讀書月“年度十大好書”)、《一個影子的告別》(台灣版)、《白求恩的孩子們》(台灣版)和《空巢》;小說集《不肯離去的海豚》、《流動的房間》、“深圳人”系列小說《出租車司機》(2013年“中國影響力圖書獎”)和“戰爭”系列小說《首戰告捷》(2013年《南方都市報》“年度十大中文小說”);隨筆集《文學的祖國》、《一個年代的副本》、《與馬可‧波羅同行 ── 讀<看不見的城市>》和《獻給孤獨的輓歌》。
Xue Yiwei's
Born in Chenzhou (Hunan) and grew up in Changsha, Xue Yiwei received his BSc in Computer Science from Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, his MA in English Literature from Université de Montréal, and his PhD in Linguistics from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies. In 2010, he was appointed visiting fellow in the City University of Hong Kong. In 2013, he was appointed scholar-in-residence in Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou. He has published thirteen books including four novels, five collections of short stories and four collections of essays. Among them,
Desertion, a novel, is a legendary work in contemporary Chinese literature,
The Taxi Driver, a collection of short stories Shenzhen People series, is one of three original literary works listed in “The
Influential Chinese books of 2013”, and Dr Bethune’s Children, a novel banned in mainland China, is acclaimed a masterpiece by leading critics and scholars.
The Empty Nest, his 2014 novel, has drawn huge attention since its appearance in this year’s Shanghai International Book Fair.
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