


  高行健的作品含有他各種各樣的文學創新,因此各處大學的文學系、表演系、比較文學系的學者和學生都都要選讀或研究高行健的作品,要演他的戲。高行健同時在繪畫、導演、電影、評論、詩歌也有其優秀的成就 ,而他多方的才能給予認為美與真是創作唯一的目的的人們不少的鼓勵。


Gao Xingjian's Biography:

  Nobel Laureate of Literature Gao Xingjian is one of the most extraordinary talents of the modern era. Amongst his great works are his novels Soul Mountain and One Man’s Bible, and also some twenty plays that include large-scale works such as Wild Man, City of the Dead, Of Mountains and Seas and Snow in August. His novels and plays were originally written in Chinese, nonetheless translated into other languages readers are able to sense the nobility of mind and the sincerity of the author, and to appreciate the unique method of narration of his works, as well as their poetry, and rich visual, auditory and tactile sensations. He has made admirable literary breakthroughs on a number of fronts. Moreover performed by actors on the stage his plays are transformed into a form of theatre that makes actors and the audience alike feel that they taking part in an amazing and unforgettable performance.

  Gao Xingjian’s writings contain a variety of literary innovations, so at universities academics and students in literature departments, theatre and performance departments are choosing to study and engage in research on Gao Xingjian’s works, and to stage his plays. Gao Xingjian also has outstanding achievements as a painter, director, filmmaker, critic and poet, and his multi-faceted talent provides encouragement for those who still believe that truth and beauty constitute the only objective of the creative arts.

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